Spirea ‘Arguta’ ​

Click on a plant below to learn more information

Majestic Giant Indian Hawthorn

Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery

14650 Bandera Rd. Helotes, TX

deer resistant lush green shade plant buy helotes

Mealy Blue Sage


Jasminum mesnyi

Monterey Oak

Quercus muehlenbergii ​


Helotes Trust Tree Source For 30 Years!       Helotes TX #1 Florist For 30 Years!

Cedar Elm Tree

Mexican Bush Sage

Italian or Primrose Jasmine

Chinkapin Oak

deep red bushy crape myrtle buy helotes

Bridal Wreath Spirea

Indigo Spires Sage  


Phlomis fruticosa

Euonomous dwarf little leaf

Taxodium distichum and mucronatum
wide leaf fast growing mexican sycamore tree helotes buy
Tagetes lemmoni ​

Live Oak Tree

Jerusalem Sage

Lantana horrida

currently only the most popular plants have information sheet write-ups. Many more will be coming shortly, thank you.

Sago Palm

Landscape Maintenance Guidelines

Melampodium leucanthum ​

Johnny Jump Ups

Callicarpa Americana
Gaura lindheimeri


Italian Oregano 

Society Garlic

Mexican Feather Grass

Popular Plants That We Sell

Japanese Aralia

Pride of Barbados


Fatsia japonica
Liriope gigantea
Euonymus fortunei ​

Copper Canyon Daisy

Blackfoot Daisy

Rosmarinus ‘Prostratus’ ​trailing green twitchy plant



Viola cornuta

Mountain Laurel

Mexican Skullcap

Bauhinia lunarioides a popular south texas plant

Giant Liriope

Mexican Sycamore

landscaping tips and tricks
Tecoma stans ​
Flowering perennial; almost evergreen, a popular south texas landscape plant

Creeping Rosemary 

Red Crepe Myrtle

Salvia Greggi

Viburnum suspension

Ulmus crassifolia ​
salvia farinacea
Impatiens balsamina

Plant Information Page

Origanum vulgare

Texas Red Oak Tree



Acer Grandidentatum bigtooth maple Tree