Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery new spring stock coming March 10th 2025. We will get our first large shipment of the new years harvest in from the farm and down to the nursery. This years harvest turned out to be better than expected!
This is going to be an excellent year for healthy, hearty and beautiful trees and we would love to share our best offers with you!
Coming march 10th, 2025
We have been getting in new tree and flowering perennial shipments in for the last two weeks and we already have some excellent plants!
Trees: Beautiful GIANT Monterrey Oak trees from the farm, 2025 Bigtooth Maple Tree crop in from the farm, some stunning red tip photinias in medium and large curtesy of our wholesaler, Large blue ice Arizona cypress, a single rare deodar cedar tree in large, some excellent texas red buds, vitex and mountain laurels, new cherry laurels, mexican sycamores, live oaks, hill country red oaks, little gem and southern magnolias, multiple japanese bloodgood maples, shantung maples, mexican sugar maples, a huge load of crape myrtles in white, red, pink, purple and lavender, and MUCH MORE!
Flowering Perennials: yellow bell Esperanza, a giant selection of lanata, pride of barbados, tropical hibiscus, rosemary, roses, and too much more to name here!
We also have added SUNDAY HOURS: 12 - 3PM for the spring! come see us!
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