Sophora secundiflora
Native Range: Central and West Texas
Sun/Shade: Sun or shade but prefers at least part-sun
Flowers: Beautiful well-known grape scented bluish-purple and white clusters in early spring only.
Landscape Use: Some plants are used frequently in landscaping for good reason. Mountain Laurel is beautiful, dependable and very drought tolerant, a proven performer. It looks good with or without irrigation, though it grows much faster with good soil and occasional watering. Mountain Laurels have gotten a bad rap for being very slow, but any plant, planted out in the middle of the Hill Country, with no supplemental water, would certainly not grow very fast either, if at all. Reliable evidence proves that Mountain Laurels can grow twice as fast with good soil and water. Mountain Laurels are a wiser large shrub choice than Red Tip Photinias because they always keep their dark rich color, whereas Red Tip Photinia leaves can become chloratic, to the point of becoming white instead of red! Can be used as an individual specimen, hedge, shrub or small ornamental tree. Makes an excellent privacy plant. Lives long and gets more majestic with time.
Container Use: Have been used successfully in large containers.
Size: 15 feet tall by 10 feet wide.
Type: Evergreen small ornamental tree or large shrub determined by trimming technique chosen.
Deer Resistance: Very Deer Resistant.
Drought Tolerance: Very drought tolerant
Soil: Not particular about soil as long as it drains well and does not remain constantly wet. Does well in rocky soil or even better with soil enhancement.
Water: Smart Watering Principle=Water well when first planted then allow to dry slightly, without wilting, then water deeply again, etc. Do not keep constantly wet.
Fertilizer: Looks even better with regular fertilization.
Maintenance Tips: The best look for Mountain Laurels seems to be the multi-trunk tree effect. They can also be trimmed into smaller more formal shapes or trimmed as a hedge. Left alone they will grow into a large bush and tend to grow more broad than upright.
Rating: Rates high as a landscape plant.
Mountain Laurels are one of our most requested small ornamental trees for good reason! This native hill country small tree makes one of the most beautiful purple/blue flowers in early spring and has a pleasant grape aroma! For this reason, we carry mountain laurels at all times of the year in multiple sizes. Our most common sizes include 5, 15 and 30 gallons. If you would like to buy a mountain laurel come check out our nursery in helotes! Please note that because of the great freeze a few years ago, the largest pot size for mountain laurels is currently 15 gallon (4 to 5ft tall). This is because most of the potted mountain laurels in the state froze! Luckily, there are larger mountain laurels available in bald and burlap options. B&B need to be ordered ahead of time. Come check out Wilson's tree nursery on the northwest side of San Antonio to buy your mountain laurels today!
Mountain Laurel
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