For a inventory, tree or plant information please email us at:


Or call us anytime!

(210) 695-2703

Looking for the perfect tree for a tight space that won't overtake the area, but still add beauty to your yard?

If you need a small ornamental tree to accent an existing or future landscape, or just want the beauty of a flowering tree without all the bulk of a traditional shade tree, check out our list of the best small ornamental trees for the San Antonio area!

Let us help you pick out the perfect addition to your yard.

Large shrubs can form the backbone of your landscape.  You might need some privacy and greenery all  in one.

A scattering of misplaced large shrubs should not be an excuse for creativity. You should never cover up windows or close off your home with overgrown shrubs. There are ways, however, to use large shrubs effectively as a green hedge or  flowering centerpiece--if you know how to make the right  choices.

We can open your mind to new possibilities that provide visual interest and enjoyment for years to come.

Contact Us!

(210) 695-2703

Helotes Trusted Tree Source For 30 Years!       Helotes TX #1 Florist 30 Years!

*Superior Selection*

At Wilson's we have over 100 different tree varieties including:

monterrey oaks, live oaks, cedar elms, mexican sycamores, bigtooth maples,  bur oaks, red oaks, chinquapin oaks, texas ash, mexican buckeye, pecan trees, texas palmetto, palm trees, sago palms,  italian cypress, arizona cypress, leyland cypress, bald cypress, lacey oaks, Texas red buds, anaqua trees, anacacho orchids, crape myrtles (in multiple colors), chinese pistache, cherry laurels, mountain laurels, dessert willows, youpon hollys, goldenball leadtrees, mexican olive,  parasol trees, "little gem" magnolias, southern magnolias, mexican plums, japanese black pines, loblolly pines, texas persimmon, dogwoods, flameleaf sumac,  apple trees, peach trees, pear trees, banana trees, meyer lemon trees, key lime trees, washington oranges, mimosa trees, nelly steven holly and DOZENS more!  

We also carry over 300 other flowering perennials and shrubs including:

"yellow bell" esperanza, pomegranate, sandankwa viburnum, wax myrtles, abelia, american beautyberry, xylosma, japanese aralia, barbados cherry, bottlebrush, butterfly bush, coralberry, purple baptisia, flame acanthus, indian hawthorne, dwarf youpon holly, burford holly, japanese yew, moch orange, texas palmetto, pineapple guava, pittosporum, knockout roses, multiple rose varieties, creeping/trailing rosemary, upright rosemary, texas sage, skyflower, thryallis, sweet almond verbena, turks cap, artemesia, african bulbine, pride of barbados, bird of paradise, black-eyed susan, butterfly weed, cast iron plant, calylophus, red columbine, coreopsis, batface cuphea, blackfoot daisys, copper canyon daisys, river fern, firecracker fern, firebush, pink guara, damianita, ghost plant, green germander, perennial hibiscus, mexican honeysuckle, lambs ear, indigo spires salvia, bicolor salvia, butterfly iris, 4 types of lantana, blue and white plumbago, mexican oregano, tropical red sage, red mountain sage, jerusalem sage, cherry sage, majestic sage, henry duelberg sage, mexican bush sage, shrump plant, society garlic, pink skullcap, texas betony, agave, cactus, muhly grass, purple fountain grass, mexican feather grass, red yuccas, crossvine, coral honeysuckle, gulf muhly, fig vine, carolina jasmine, star jasmine, mexican flame vine, passion vine, lady banksia rose, texas wisteria, virginia creeper, aztec grass, trumpet vine, gregg dalea, sedum succulents, verbena and hundreds more!

*Size Variety*

At wilson's, we carry sizes from 4 inch tiny pots all the way up to 45 gallon giant trees. We always try to keep at least a few of each size for each popular tree and plant we carry. To find out more about our sizes and selection please call or email us!

*Customer Service and Experience*

At Wilson's, you can always find someone to show you where our plants are and to answer all of your difficult questions. We are a family owned and operated nursery. Glenn, Sherry or Forrest will almost always be on site and happy to chat with you! We have been landscaping, growing, experimenting and loving plants for over 30 years and we know what we are talking about. 

*Seed Grown by US. Nursed by US.*

We grow almost everything we sell ourselves from seeds up to adulthood! We love our plants and we take care of each of them ourselves, watering and fertilizing each plant according to its specific needs. Because of this, our trees and plants are healthier and larger per gallon size than the big box stores. When you buy a plant or tree from us, you can rest assured you are getting a healthy, happy plant every time.

*Customized Soil for each Plant*

Every plant, shrub and tree is different. They each have different needs and preferences. At Wilson's, we create our own custom blends of soil and fertilizers for each individual plant, shrub and tree. When you buy a tree from us, you get additional benefits you might not have considered! All of our trees have a slow release fertilizer blended into their soil. This fertilizer lasts for an entire year! You can sit back and know your tree is taken care of during its crucial establishment phase.

*We TRULY Care*

At wilson's we truly care about our plants, shrubs, trees, perennials, annuals, and especially our customers. We treat everyone who comes here like family, and we have formed some life-long friendships because of our nursery. We would love to meet you and chat with you about plants too!​​

​​You can contact Wilson Landscape Nursery & Florist by telephone, email, or by coming into our nursery. We will be in touch in the immediate future!

Wilson Landscape Nursery & Florist
14650 Bandera Rd
Helotes, TX 78023 

The front entrance of Wilson Landscape Nursery and Florist in Helotes Texas at 14650 Bandera Road with a wide variety of native, annual, perennial flowers and plants for sale

Check out just a few of our many awards!

For a fuller experience please use a desktop or select "View Desktop Version" below

       Your one stop destination for:

Plants:  *Native Trees *Perennials *Flowers *Succulents *

 Landscaping: *Design *Installation *Lighting*Xeriscape  

Floral: *Arrangements *Weddings *Deliveries *Fresh *Silk

Design: *Home Consultations*3-D Realistic Design 

Wisdom: *Experience *Drainage *Deer *Regulations

Your Long Search Is Over!

Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery is the home of the

Bigtooth Maple Tree!

We carry medium to large sizes YEAR ROUND in South Texas / San Antonio. for sale now! Check out our 2025 Bigtooth Maple crop!

call us for more details!

Have you been searching for the perfect large shade tree to grace your new landscape? Not sure where to start?

Homeowners and Landscapers agree that a large shade tree can be an important and beautiful addition to any landscape design. However, finding the right shade tree to match your taste and style can be a daunting task when so many excellent varieties exist.

Let us help you decide with our list of the top twenty best shade trees , specifically for the San Antonio area!

Best Landscaper in San Antonio Award Winning

Why Choose Wilson's Nursery For Your Plant and Tree Needs?

Wilson Nursery Current Hours

Wilson Landscape Nursery and Florist in Helotes, Texas

Texas Trusted Tree And Plant Source For Over 30 Years!

Welcome to Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery!