When it comes to fall foliage trees San Antonio and South Texas only have a handful of options that can survive our heat. The Texas heat necessitates native and well adapted trees be planted in most gardens and yards, leaving us with very few hardy options. Unlike the plentiful fall foliage options of the north, South Central Texas has two big natives: Red Oaks and Bigtooth Maple trees. The Texas Red Oak provides a dependable deep red color most years on most trees. The bigtooth Maple Tree makes a vibrant orange-red fall foliage, but can be picky. Regardless of the Bigtooth Maple Tree struggles, it is still one of the most popular and desired trees in all of Texas. Many gardeners and home owners first fall in love with the Bigtooth Maples when they visit Lost Maple State Natural and see all the native Bigtooths that live there!

 This article will walk you through some questions you may have about Bigtooth Maple Trees and answer the big one: Does Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery sell Bigtooth Maple Trees? YES! And we carry Bigtooth Maple Tree stock all year long!


Why are Bigtooth Maple Trees so hard to find and so expensive?


The simple answer is: Bigtooth Maple Trees have a giant supply and demand issue! Way too much demand, way too little supply.

The long answer is that Bigtooth Maple Trees are difficult to grow. Very difficult. Just one out of one thousand seeds may be viable on a fertile tree. Even finding a fertile tree is difficult! Most Bigtooth Maple Trees produce seeds that never germinate. After finding a seed that will germinate, your next hurdle is growth speed. Bigtooth Maple Trees are notoriously slow growers, especially in early life. The Texas heat is the final barrier Maple Trees have to overcome to survive San Antonio. Although an adult native Bigtooth Maple can survive most summer in South Texas / San Antonio, younger Bigtooth Maples have a tough time.


What sizes of Bigtooth Maple Trees do you have in stock and for sale?


Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery has been working for multiple decades to grow our Bigtooth Maple Tree stock and selection. We are focused on medium to large sizes, and we always have stock of our 15 gallon to 30 gallon range. We hope to be able to offer smaller sizes in the coming five years, but it’s a slow process!


Can your Bigtooth Maple Trees survive the harsh summer of San Antonio / South Texas?

The short answer is YES: Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery Bigtooth Maple Trees can survive any heat San Antonio and South Texas can throw at them! We have tried our Bigtooth Maples out in a variety of locations all over South Central Texas and we have been pleased with the results! With proper water and care your Bigtooth Maple Tree should have no trouble surviving Texas.


At Wilson Tree and Landscape Nursery you can buy medium to large Bigtooth Maple Trees year round. We have multiple trees in stock right now, and we would love to teach you how to care for this incredible tree and sell you a Bigtooth Maple today!

Buy Bigtooth Maple Trees In San Antonio / South Texas

In Stock NOW!

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