The best season for planting a tree in south central Texas is a topic that comes up often with our customers. Many homeowners are worried about certain times of the year and under misconceptions or have incomplete information. Most of these misconceptions come from a friend of a friend who planted a tree one summer and had it die on them. Although trees certainly do die in the summer, the cause is almost always due to improper watering. In fact, there are many benefits to planting in summer, even in Texas!
So let's set the record straight once and for all:
It is FINE to plant a tree at any time of the year in Texas.
This includes the hottest days of summer in August and the coldest days of winter in January. Of course, this is all dependent on proper watering, soil and avoiding causing injury to your tree. A tree that is stressed by injury, heat, soil, lack of water can continue to muddle along virtually indefinitely. However, a stressed tree will die when introducing another stress factor. A tree that is struggling in 108 degree heat can be killed by lack of water during this stressful time. The heat stresses the tree, the lack of water kills it off. This is one of the most common ways that home gardeners lose their trees in the warm months. Spring and especially summer plantings have less of a grace period for poor watering. Just a few missed days during the hottest days of summer is enough to severely hurt a newly planted tree.
Planting in summer does have its benefits though! Most Texas native trees will still be growing strong all the way until winter, so for immediate growth and results, summer is a great time to plant.
For these reasons most gardeners will choose to plant their trees in cooler months when trees go dormant. A dormant tree needs far less water to survive and will provide gardeners, landscapers and home-owners much longer grace periods. But when exactly is the BEST cool month? is September cool enough or should you wait until the dead of Decemeber? Everyone has their own recommendation, but based on our many decades of experience and thousands of trees planted at home-owners houses and on our tree farm, we believe we have the perfect time for most tree plantings.
The BEST time of the year to plant most trees in SC Texas is September to October.
Why is September to October the best time of the year to plant most trees?
Simple, its still warm enough that most trees will provide some growth. This is important for getting your trees root system established in the ground around it. The faster you establish your tree, the faster you can cut back on your watering, especially with drought resistant and native Texas trees. Next, as temperatures begin to cool further, the amount of watering needed will also decrease. Finally, as we move into the coldest months when your tree will go dormant, you will have a mostly established tree that ready to gain a massive growth spurt in early spring! perfect!
Can you plant in Winter?
YES! You CAN plant in winter! Most trees can handle freezing temperatures and winter is an excellent time to plant because the tree will be mostly dormant and require very little water. Even though the tree is mostly dormant in winter it will still establish itself in the ground slowly but surely. As temperatures slowly rise your can slowly increase your watering to account for changing seasons.
What is the Second best time of the year to plant a tree in SC Texas?
Early spring to spring is a very good time of the year to plant. It is warm enough that your tree will begin leafing out and growing, but not so hot that you will need to drench your newly planted tree twice a day.
We hope this gardeners guide on when to plant a tree in south central texas was useful to you and helps you keep your tree healthy and happy. If there is one message to take away from this article: You can plant a tree at anytime of the year in South Central Texas as long as you are willing to take care of the tree according to its individual needs. Need more help with a tree issue or buying a tree? Come see me at 14650 Bandera Road, Helotes TX 78023! Id love to chat with you about your tree needs.
When Is The Best Time Of The Year To Plant A Tree In South Central Texas?
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